2014.07 – :中南民族大学爱游戏官方成为马竞赞助商
2010/09 - 2014/06,武汉大学,药物分析,博士
2006/07 - 2009/03,大赛璐药物手性技术(上海)有限公司
2003/09 - 2006/06,中国药科大学,药剂学,硕士
2002/07 - 2003/07,湖北中医药大学中爱游戏官方成为马竞赞助商
1998/09 - 2002/06,湖北中医药大学,制药工程,学士
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,81703464,基于二维整体亲和色谱的天然TDP2抑制剂的快速筛选及其活性评价,主持,2018—2020,20.1万元
2. 国家民委一般项目,14ZNZ025,土家药抗禽流感病毒活性成分筛。鞒,2015—2017,5万元
3. 湖北省自然科学基金一般青年项目,2015CFB181,基于固定化神经氨酸酶亲和色谱的抗病毒中药活性成分筛选新方法研究,主持,2015—2017,5万元
4. 中南民族大学校级教改项目,JYX23024,药物分析课程研究性教学探索与实践,主持,2023-2025
1. Dan Zhao, Yan Jiao, Huan Liu, Xiao yun Li, Mengyu Xu1,2, Xincai Xiao, Haiyan Zhao. Preparation of silicon quantum dot–protein complex and application in antibacterial, antibiofilm, and bacterial cell imaging. Journal of Materials Science, 2024, 59: 6946-6964.
2. Haiyan Zhao, Tingting Huang, Jinlin Lu, Yuxin Chen, Shaobing Wang. Rapid quantification of short chain fatty acids in human plasma by UPLC-MS. Journal of South-Central Minzu University (Natural Science Edition), 2023, 41(3): 292-299.
3. Haiyan Zhao, Qin Nie, Shaobing Wang, 3D Printed Drug Delivery: An appealing trend for Chinese Medicines, Springer Singapore, 2021: 295-314.
4. Zhao Dan, Zhang Rui, Xu Mengyu, Xiao, Xincai, Zhao Haiyan, Huang Xianju. Multifunctional Biomedical Applications of Nitrogen and Sulfur Co-Doped Carbon Dots. Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2021, 17(8): 1598-1611. DOI: 10.1166/jbn.2021.3131
5. Zhang Juan, Yu, Chen, Chen, Zhipeng, Luo Xiaogang, Zhao, Haiyan, Wu Fengshou. Zeolitic imidazolate framework-8/ fluorinated graphene coated SiO2 composites for pipette tip solid-phase extraction of chlorophenols in environmental and food samples, Talanta, 2021, 228: 122229.
DOI: 10.1016/j.talanta.2021.122229.
程寒, 胡燕, 赵海燕 主编. 藏医药. 武汉:湖北科学技术出版社, 2021, 12.